Thoughts on Kony...
I have been watching the Kony 2012 movement unfold over the last few days--in my school, on my Facebook page, and in newspaper articles. After reading articles on both sides, looking at the research they cite, and putting on my best debate judge hat, here's what I think: 1. My experience in Rwanda this summer--visiting the genocide memorial/museum, talking to victims of the genocide, and talking to those that have been using US funding to put things back together--tells me that this idea that Africans want whites to stay away and let them solve their own problems isn't always true. While I am sure there are tons of times that we have stepped in before we were wanted and there are plenty of organizations that have the best of intentions but aren't really helpful, the message I received at the museum is that the Rwandan people are still dismayed at the lack of international help they received in a time of crisis. It was clear that what was going on needed outside attention...