
Showing posts from November, 2017

Thoughts on Being Normal

I'm normal looking. I'm of average attractiveness. I think it says something about modern society that I feel the need to qualify that statement, that identifying yourself as average is seen as either saying something negative about yourself or is seen as a violation of the girl code that says you are to think you are hideous and wait for someone to disagree. Evidence below: Math was never my strongest subject, but being in the middle seems to be not that bad. And if I'm honest, it took me a while to even believe that I was average. As I'm sure many women have said before me, seeing only the most beautiful people on television, in movies, and in magazines, it took me a really long time to look around and realize that most people on most days don't look like that. And that's when I realized I was normal. These opening paragraphs might seem to be the start of an empowerment piece about how, once I felt like I fit in, I no longer felt self conscious about my...