Things I found while cleaning out my closet...
1. A pair of flip-flops I had been looking for
2. A pair of flip-flops I had forgotten I owned
3. My prom picture in its special frame...still not really sure what this is doing in my closet in DC. Seems like something that should be in a box somewhere at my parents' house...
4. Oh--and a mouse. Yep. And not a dead one. As I sat on the floor, it scurried by me. I, of course, squealed like a little girl, jumped up and did the "ewww gross!" shiver, and called home. My mom assured me that the mouse was more scared of me than I was of it, but I'm still not convinced. She also claims that my fears of contracting bubonic plague from the mouse are unfounded. But I am also not convinced of this. Given the 3-day weekend, I had to take matters into my own hands since the maintenance guys wouldn't be around to do anything to solve the problem until Tuesday. I have now learned how to set a mouse trap...or 4. I don't care how many Stuart Little movies they make or how many times I watch American Tale--those things are not cute--they're gross. Here's hoping the mouse trap works in the least disgusting way possible. Or as my mom tried to convince me, maybe the mouse was just checking my place out on the way to someone else's apartment.
On another note, I also spent some time getting my kitchen cabinets in order. How in the world did I end up with this much baking chocolate?

And I always seem to have an overabundance of baking chocolate too. Weird.
Sweet... leads to the chocolate... did you finish making all your cupcakes? :)
It is nice to catch up with you and what is happening in DC! Enjoyed your blog very much! Still wish you were going to be home (Boro) for the YWC!!