Me and my fashion debut...

or at least the debut of my skirt. So tonight I was spending some quality time with Tim Gunn. (That guy cracks me up--I am currently working on mastering his voice!) As I'm watching him tear apart and rebuild a woman's wardrobe, I notice he is taking her to my beloved Banana Republic. (I worked there for 6 months last year.) I was so excited because I kept seeing clothes I had spent plenty of time with. And then the coolest thing happened--the girl was wearing my skirt (not actually mine of course--but I had to bust out an "I own that!") on the fashion show "runway." For a brief moment I felt like a fashion genius. This feeling will fade tomorrow morning when I stare at my closet while trying to decide what to wear to school (this decision may be heavily influenced by which items require the least amount of ironing...and will be drastically limited by the fact that I can't pick up my dry cleaning until after school tomorrow).
Also, your pumpkin chocolate chip cookies are incredibly intriguing. I never would have thought to put the two together!