Successful Cookie Adventures...

Two posts in one day--clearly I do not have enough to do! Or I'm just really excited about having a functioning computer.  So the pumpkin chocolate chip cookies were a success (if I do say so myself).  I've never cooked/baked with pumpkin before (at least not that I remember), but I will definitely have to spend more time working with fall foods.  I think I would really like to try to be more seasonal in my cooking--taking advantage of the fruits/veggies that naturally grow during each season; it seems like a fun challenge to take advantage of what's out there at the moment.  We'll see how that works.  In the meantime, I have a whole other can of pumpkin to play with!  I am leaving you with a few attempts at taking artsy picks of my Veteran's Day accomplishment.  Unfortunately cookies are not very photogenic.  Bummer! 


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