The Newest Addition...

My sister and brother-in-law are currently in Ethiopia meeting their absolutely beautiful daughter. I just keep looking at the pictures on their blog and thinking, "I can't believe that's my niece." I now know that until I get to meet her, time will feel like it is standing still. If you want to check her out, their blog address is


Katiedogg said…
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Katiedogg said…
Oh, Laurel, I read your sister's blog post and found myself in tears. Her powerful narrative swept me in...what complete, utter joy, and what a moment to be documenting. (Of course, she's your sister...writing must run in the family.) That sweet, beautiful baby girl will have the best family...and with an aunt like Ms. Taylor, how could she lose? I say you show off those pictures and stories all you want. It's an aunt's prerogative. I remember back a long time ago...thinking that I would be the world's best aunt...spoiling, keeping girl secrets, sending occasional cards and gifts for no reason, calling just to hear her voice but not necessarily to talk to anyone else...You'll be an awesome aunt. Lucky girl.

Love you!
June 27, 2009 5:04 AM

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