Pro/Con lists and their limits...
I have been aching for weeks to begin reading the books that have slowly piled up in my "things to read ASAP" stack by my bed. At the top of the pile was this one: 

Pros of getting married: Object to be beloved and played with
Better than a dog anyhow
Home and someone to take care of house
Charms of music and female chit-chat
And a nice, soft wife on a sofa with a good fire and books and music perhaps
Pros of single life: Conversation with clever men at clubs
not forced to visit relatives and bend in every trifle
absence of anxiety and responsibility
money for books
So what was his conclusion? According to this author, Darwin decided, "My God, it is intolerable to think of spending one's whole life like a neuter bee, working, working, and nothing after all--No, no, won't do." So he proposed.
So there's that--your bit of random trivia for the day. Have a lovely 4th of July.