Ready to Trot...

I'm off to Trot in the Turkey Trot.  This will be my first race--which is sad since I've been "running" on and off since college.  It really should be fun, but right now I'm just really nervous.  I'm not even sure why.  If I hate it, I can just walk.  Oh well--now I have to go walk to the start line (how awesome is that?).  See you when I am no longer a racing virgin.  Yippee!

2008 Turkey Trot Logo


R2P2 said…
woohoo! How did it go?

Is it very traditional to have marathons on Thanksgiving? I had a friend in Roanoke who was participating in one Turkey morning, too!
Ms. Taylor said…
It seems so...I think several cities have them (there's one in my sister's town). How was your Thanksgiving?
R2P2 said…
It was good! I have a blog, too, and a more detailed description of it can be found there. But overall, it was nice. Quiet, but nice. What did you do for Thanksgiving? Besides run :)

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